Thursday, December 13, 2012

Hunger Fast of Jaffna Leader has been called off with success

The hunger fast which was began on Tuesday, 10th December has been called off this morning, around 9.45 am on 13th December. The GA of Jaffna met and promised to take immediate action to the leader who was on hunger fast demanding immediate intervention to stop the Indian Trawler Invasion in to Sri Lankan waters, stop illegal, destructive fishing operations of Southern Fishermen, and the bottom trawling operations of Gurunagar and Pesalai fishermen in the Northern province.
The GA had ordered to the Assistant Fisheries Director Jaffna to take necessary steps to stop the illegal fishing operations by Sri Lankan fishermen who are coming from southern parts of the country as well as to stop the bottom trawling of northern fishermen in Gurunagar and Pesalai.

Mr. Rajachandran of the fishermen Sangam leader of Northern Province Fisher People's Alliance said, "We are fighting for years to get the attention of this Indian trawling issue to GOSL. We captured some of the Indian fishing trawlers last year. But, there is no any reduction of Indian fleets crossing international boundaries between India and Sri Lanka. We do not know why this powerful Navy do not take actions to prevent Indian trawlers to come in to our EEZ. We are helpless with this situation as our boats, nets and engines are damaged repeatedly with entangling the Indian trawlers. Some times our lives are in danger and we lost some of our fellow fishermen. Earlier it was only 5 days they crossed the boarder. But now they come all the days of the week and we can not go to the sea for fishing."

The leaders of the northern province fisher people's alliance are in the view that there should be a dialogue and agreement between two governments of Indian and Sri Lankan to find an amicable solution for this issue.
 The fisher people have decided to take more stronger actions on this issue unless GOSL take the issue seriously and find a solution immediately.


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