Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Praja Abhilasha People's Tribunals are in Progress

The 7th People's Tribunal held at Trincomalee yesterday at Trincomalee with wider people's participation. There were number of issues emerged related to Tsunami, War, Land Tenure and Human Elephant Co-existence in relation to Praja Abhilasha Land coalition.

Now, the PPT work is coming towards the end and the land movement building activities are the most pressing need to address those issues emerged.
As Raajan Francis, the coordinator of PA says, "We will go forward with more organized manner in 6 major issues emerged at the PPT. We are already on move with the H/E coexistence issues in Kurunegala and Moneragala districts".

"War and Tsunami affected people are one of the most affected ones and we need to address their issues. However, the present undemocratic system made the affected people in a numbing and vulnerable. Need strong people's engagement to break this apathy" Says Dr.Ravi Varma, one of a Judges in the PPT.

As, NAFSO team we are engage in many ways to make this effort a success as the facilitating and coordination centre of Land Coalition of Praja Abilasha.

Herman Kumara

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